
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Owsie Bug says Boo

Dressing children as stuffed animals is only one step away from beauty pageants, and yet...

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Troll Princess and I

Margaret was six weeks old as of 12:10 pm, which is odd as it seems like she has been here forever. I cannot remember me without her. Motherhood is a consuming business. I have begun taking Zuzu with me on all of my little adventures. I have to say it is as if in order to combat loneliness I decided to purchase a companion troll with limited abilities. 'Oh hello kind Nordstrom associate, wondering where that grunting and odd smell is coming from? It is just one of many social graces my little troll baby has mastered. Just wait to see what she can do when presented with the challenge of an upset stomach.' I have to think the resulting mess is an evolutionary defense mechanism meant to keep tresspassers from crossing the bridge I am sure she will get back to guarding any day now. Riley wasn't in love with the troll description at first, but he warmed up to it once I assured him she was the prettiest troll to ever live, a troll princess in fact! I am not looking forward to her growing out of the troll stage. I love that she fits in my arms, and her burps and grunts sound magical to my motherly ears. I am in love with my troll baby and if that makes me a troll mama, so be it. I am sure there is a bridge out there big enough for us to guard together.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Baby comes home

One time I had a baby and disappeared for three weeks. It is nice to be back. Our little journey friend is beautiful and fat faced. She cries when she is hungry and has tried to sit up since she was one week old. I think I had a girl that knows what she wants. Poor daddy doesn't know what hit him. There are already promises of ponies and Prada. I think he is learning the true meaning of devotion. Our traveler was born into so much love. The grandparents swoon, aunts and uncles coo, and daddy smiles even after a hard day. Little sis Lindsay sent me the best of Beyonce and K.D. Lang as a means of curing the baby blues. I haven't been smiling as much as the handsome husband. Today travel girl and I danced to Canadian folk music and diva perfection. Medication in movement and music. We spun around the kitchen and I couldn't think of anything else in the world I could ask for, not even ponies and Prada.