
Thursday, January 27, 2011


Happy Ever After

This morning I am determined to find joy in my happily ever after. Joy in the laundry. Joy in the Life cereal stuck to the floor. Even Joy in calling the insurance company and yelling until they admit coverage of a procedure they have been denying.

Ok. Maybe there will be more joy if I don't yell. Just stern smiley talk.

I am alive. In love. Raising a baby and making another. If there is not cloud bursting happiness in that, what else is there?

Listening to the Once soundtrack is helping me on my way.


  1. Oh my goodness, a friend let me borrow that soundtrack and I'm in love with it. I'm glad things are so happy in your world!

  2. RESPITE . . . Nana is on the way to take care of that lovely and active little munchkin - as much as you'd like! I am sooo envious of her!!! I am happy when my family members are happy; I think you are so very blessed and so am I!! xoxoxo

  3. You're preggers?! How did I not know this? I am so excited for you guys! As soon as I can drag myself out of bed without puking my guts out - a lunch is in store! I miss you!
